Returning home from a visit with a friend, my 6 yr old (who should have been asleep) finds me and asks me to come lay with him. He returns a little while later saying , "come on Momma. I have a pillow laid out for you so your head with be cozy. I even laid it straight for you. Will you come lay with me now?" How can I resist that.
Boxes were delivered today with shoes for the boys and slippers for the youngest. After trying them all on, my middle son ran through the house urging them all to get their slippers on and they could be "slipper buddies". So funny!
The sounds of the Mr. Magoo Christmas Carol today. What a fun way to study a little Charles Dickens.
Excited talking about our trip to Ohio, the cold weather, whether it will snow and Christmastime in general.
We are a hub of activity here.
Praying you are enjoying the celebrations of the season and the joy of Celebrating the birth of the King. Merry Christmas!!