It's here!! Christmas. I love this time of year for a number of reasons. The decorations, colder weather and the general excitement that comes with having 3 boys in the house who are eagerly awaiting the day. The thing I love most is our time spent doing the Advent wreath as a family on Sunday nights. We started this when our boys were much younger (1 1/2, 3 and 5) and now at 11, 9 and 7 they look forward to lighting their candle, reading the scripture and proudly sharing the name of "their" candle. In the hustle and bustle of everything around us, it is a wonderful way to stop and focus on why we celebrate. The birth of our Savior. It is my hope that you will take time to stop, focus and breath in the words of Luke, "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord."
I also anticipate the registration for the Mom Heart conference put on by Whole Heart ministries. I will be attending my 5th year this February and am eagerly awaiting the refreshment, encouragement and recharging I get from this wonderful time. Please take a minute and look at