Thursday, November 29, 2007

Everything is negotiable...

Or so it seems in the world of my boys. My oldest was in speech therapy yesterday and so it was our regular Wednesday Target trip as we waited for him. We had combed the store looking at all of the wonderful decorations and what toys were must-haves for Christmas when the call of the potty was heard loud and clear. So off we went and found the restroom. My boys are now wanting their own stall (in the women's of course) so we entered and they promptly took the first stall they saw.

I stood outside the door giving them their privacy but thankful for the little crack between the door and the frame as I monitored their progress. All was well until it came time to flush. It is the most coveted moment in bathroom activites. The complete joy my boys can derive from moving that small stainless steel handle and the loud roar of water is amazing. And so, the negotiations began. I heard my 6 year old say that it was his turn and his younger brother (4) said it was his and so they were at a stalemate when my older pulled out the idea of using "rock, paper, scissors" to decide.

As I peaked through the crack, I could see my two sweet boys, standing across the toilet from one another, pants still down (getting the flushing done first is a must) and discussing the game. I heard the older ask the younger what he was going to be and then the older chose based on the answer. It went something like this, " what are you going to be?" "I'm going to be rock." " then I'm going to be paper because paper covers rock."

It wasn't a fair competition but somehow the little one was satisfied that he had lost the game and his brother promptly flushed and looks of pure joy crossed both of their faces. I found myself trying not to laugh and marveling at how two small children can navigate the world of negotiation with such skill (though perhaps not fairness).

My boys bring me such joy and frustration and a million other things but suffice it to say that I am more grateful than I can say for the opportunity to be home with them. There was a time in my adult life when I wasn't sure I wanted to stay home with my children. I grew up with a mom who worked and who was always present and available and so I had a great rolemodel in the realm of working moms.

But, there came a time when I sensed that the award I received at Girl Scout camp when I was ten, "Little Mother award", was more than just a coincidence. I was made for this. I cannot imagine being anywhere else or doing any other job. And, for that matter, this is more than a job. It's one of the most important decisions I've ever made in my life.

I often hear people comment that they cannot believe that they get paid to do their job. Most of them have glamorous lives or amazing jobs and they love what they do. Well, I don't have a lot of glamour in my life, or what many would consider to be an "amazing" job and the pay isn't very good, but I cannot believe that I get to live my life doing this. I am so thankful that God lead me to this career and that my husband and I were of a like mind about it. Everything is negotiable, but my career surely isn't. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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